After deleting my Yahoo accounts and thinking about the stuff that’s gathered all around the web – I think it’s time to reclaim my stuff. So I made a list of all the places I consume/create things on the web:
- Faceboook – how I connect to family and friends, manage a band page
- Flickr – still have some photos there
- Tumblr – Hamilton Punk and Hardcore visual archive
- Picasa/Google Photos – have quite a few photos from my phone
- Instagram – yeah, photos here too
- Twitter – my edtech tweets
- Google+ – not really but some stuff there
- various message boards – music, music and more music
- LinkedIn – work related
- PebblePad – ePortfolio
- Trello – abandoned workflow/project management
- Vimeo – portfolio related videos
- YouTube – portfolio, music (two separate accounts), general watching (yes, a third account for stuff I’ve watched)
- Discogs – record collection
- Google Drive/Docs – three different accounts for three reasons (work, personal/travel, music)
- Dropbox – filesharing
- Diigo – bookmarks
- The Old Reader – RSS
- Netvibes – RSS
Some of those make sense to reclaim (photos for sure), some don’t because the purpose is to leverage their platforms to communicate. The ones in italics make some sense to reclaim to me. The one benefit is that the storage for stuff out there, is paid for by someone else. However I’m thinking about how a website reflects one’s identity and maybe it’s time for a more holistic version of what I am, who I am.