Things here are busier than ever. I’ve actually taken time to keep up with Twitter (@dietsociety) which is easier and requires less context than I like to give with a thought out piece. I’ve been slugging away at an e-learning survey for the College and working on my two courses (Fireworks and Searching The Internet Effectively) that I’m teaching and working on two courses that I’m taking (Academic Research and Critical Reflection in Adult Education through Brock University and Sociology I).
I’m also involved in the work that goes into preparing for Connections ’09 which is our in-house e-learning development conference (primarily for faculty at the College). We’ve already announced our new partnership with Desire2Learn, so training for that will occur soon, then the real work begins… ah not a lonely moment. I suspect I’ll try to participate in CCK09, and I’ll be meeting George next week as he’s the keynote for Connections. I’m sure he loves the name of the conference!