I’m one of those people who at parties is content to listen to people discuss issues, nod my head in agreement or perhaps scrunch up my face at something I don’t necessarily agree with. I don’t typically say much, because I have learned about myself that I should take time to compose answers (and questions) and try to be as thoughtful about how these statements will be received. That’s not to say I can’t engage in a conversation or state my opinion about an issue when pressed, but I prefer to have time to think about it.
So it’s of great interest when I read that good bloggers should post everyday. Mostly these are social media experts (a whole other name for best bullshitter of the bunch) who claim that your expertise and audience require frequent posts to keep your name in the backs of their heads when they think of the subject you write about. While that may be true, that sort of gaming of impression management or whatever cloyingly cute term people use for what people think of you, seems dishonest.
Other articles say you should write everyday because you are a better writer when you do so. My response is that only because you get feedback and can see where you communicate, but so many bloggers operate in a vacuum, with scarcely commented on blog posts. How do these people improve their writing?
I suggest that instead of quantity, that maybe one should focus on quality. Much like the economic woes we are currently experiencing being easily tied to greed and avarice, bloggers should not be gluttons, but fine diners. Picking and choosing the best ingredients and making a fine, unique piece of culinary dining. Or, rather, mental dining. If that doesn’t bring me any more comments, or notoriety that’s fine with me.
Happy Holidays, I don’t expect I’ll be posting much in the break.