Google Is Not My Curator

I don’t want anyone else to curate search results. If I want to curate my own experience, I want to do it on my desktop, on my terms, with my data and my experience. Not with their data, with their choices, with their algorithms and frankly their shit. I can curate my own search results, thank you very much. I guess I’ve gone from Google fanboy (basing an entire course around it) to disgruntled search addict. You know you’re a bad company (yes, you Google) when Microsoft and Yahoo look good in comparison. I wonder if DuckDuckGo is any better? It sure as hell couldn’t be any worse.

Here’s a link to a PDF of the FTC document filed by Centre for Digital Democracy.

Content “Curation”

From a list of CNN’s 10 Web Trends To Watch in 2010, we see the traditional augmented reality and geolocation trends – the further blending of online and offline life – but the one that really popped off the page for me was the idea of content curation – the sort of expert opinion sorting information for you that traditional education has done. The fact that crowdsourcing isn’t even an option in this brief article is interesting, seeing as crowdsourcing was among the trends of years past. It seems that there’s shaping up to be two ways to think about content curation – by experts and by common thought.

Content curation by experts mimics the “sage on the stage”, teacher at the front of the class, behaviorist. Content curation by common thought (where we agree to the meaning of something by a majority rule) is more constructivist, or connectivist in approach.